Friday, October 25, 2013

American Fascist Leader Glenn Beck Calls for Destruction of Political Opponents

Glenn's Vision of a Spiritually Cleansed America

It's never been a secret what Glenn Beck is. For those who have watched him on his personal network "The Blaze" know him to be the Joseph Goebbels of the Tea Party. This is the man who shamelessly invents the most vile and outlandish conspiracies and blood libels his "progressive" opponents.

However, today he went one step closer to proudly wearing the swastika on his right arm - he asked his troglodytic acolytes to "destroy progressive ideas". For those of us with even a smidgen of familiarity with 20th century history know what that means.

Josef Stalin declared "kill the man, kill the idea". Where Stalin murdered with the connivance of special courts, Hitler never waited for a court order. He murdered the ideas in their beds at night or in the dark recesses of an internment camp.

Glenn Beck can't argue his case - ignorance and pomposity have no argument. So like his spiritual gurus Hitler and Stalin, Beck pines for the day when book burnings and internment camps for "socialists", "marxists", "leftys" and "progressives" will be the law of the land.

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