Thursday, October 24, 2013

Patriotism Means Defending American Values and the American Way of Life

The title of this post is what the blog is all about: defending American values and our way of life by exposing fascist conspirators and Theocrat sedition. America is truly under attack today and our core values of freedom and liberty are being threatened by a cabal of plutocrats who fund fake "grassroots movements" and fundamentalist extremism. The fascist demagogues making war on our nation are known by many names: Rush Limbaugh, Bryan Fisher, Glenn Beck, Sarah Palin, Ted Cruz and Michelle Bachmann just to name a few.

But these are only the bitter, rotten fruit of a diseased tree whose roots stretch back to the Business Plot of 1933 that sought to overthrow Franklin Roosevelt in a coup d'etat. Make no mistake, the corporate parasites who brought the nation to its knees during the Great Depression and tried to seize the state are doing the same thing today. Their goal is still the same: to overthrow representative democracy and enslave the American people to corporate their oligarchy.

Who are these parasites?  They are legion; found in virtually every community throughout the nation. Some of them are well known like the criminal syndicate "Koch Industries" run by the fraternal leeches David and Charles Koch:

Traitors Dave & Chuck Koch

Meet your would-be corporate masters; the grinning faces of sedition grown fat off the labor of the 'little people'. They hate government, not because it limits freedom, but because it limits their freedom to exploit whoever, whatever, and however they want. Government tells the Koch's they can't pay their employees less than a minimum wage costing them millions in profits and dividends because Lord knows $33.3 billion is not enough for these blood suckers to live on. Government tells the Koch boys they can't despoil and pollute the land we live on, the air we breathe, the food we eat and the water we drink. Government tells these corpulent kings of Mammon that they have to give something back to the community from which they have stolen so much.

Behind every right-wing whore in congress, on television or radio are fascist pimps like Dave and Chuck Koch using them to crush the life out our freedom, our liberty and our very humanity. Dave and Chuck Koch are traitors, guilty of sedition and conspiracy against the constitution and lawful governance. They should be indicted, tried for treason and sentenced to forced labor while their stolen billions are used to re-build the communities their criminality have destroyed.

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